
Play Date at Gaver Farm

Just a few photos from Wednesday.. Blake and Max had a morning play date at Gaver Farm! We went for the fall fun festival~ it was nice since there wasn't a lot of people! Just a few moms with toddler :D They had fun playing in the sand, the maze, train, and bean bag toss.. hopefully we can go back after we come back from our trip! Max loved it! And i got in some practice with harsh direct morning/early afternoon light!
 AND~~~I haven't packed a thing yet! I'm such a procrastinator... meh.  

Beanie: Target (love this! and it $5! also comes in black with grey pom, check your local store) 
Top: H&M (similar
Bottom: H&M (similar)
Shoes: Converse


Fall Ready

Max and I hung our fall wreath we got at RiteAid for $10! Hehehe. We love it and it is officially fall! Yay! But a lil sad cause we'll be leaving for our trip next week...boo. Next time, we are NOT leaving during my favorite month ;T We haven't even started packing yet. Should probably get started on that. Lol. Plus i have to finish up editing tons of sessions before i leave. I'll be a crazy zombie by the time we leave!
I'm going to soak in all the fall beauty and weather before we head back to humid weather...yuck. But i'm still excited/scurrred/anxious to go! :D
And today is my last day to return my lens rental~And damn...i think i fell in love -_- The pics above was taken with my 5DM2 and the Canon 16-35mm 2.8 II that i rented for the weekend. I used it for a wedding on Friday and a Dohl on Sunday and portraits today. It was very versatile and convenient having that extra wideness. I also love the contrast from this lens~ might have to definitely think about adding this to my camera bag!

Happy Fall!

Top: H&M // Bottom: Old Navy // Shoes: Freshly Picked (Sand Suede)


Our Daily Walk

Woke up today feeling so beat up~ Had the worst sore throat, headache, and heavy eyes like i haven't slept in days! Wasn't a great start. As soon as i felt awake enough to move, i called the ped's office right away to get Max his flu shots. Had to get that done for our trip anyways...so there's one thing checked off the list! I drove 30 mins through city traffic, waited 30 mins in the waiting room, and it took 2 secs for the shot. And 40 mins to drive back home. Awesome. By the time i got home, i felt much better! Thankfully i heal quick! I rarely get sick. Every time i feel something coming on, i react quick and drink my tea, swallow a spoon full of honey, take some vitamin c, and make sure you get lots of rest.
And before our Singapore/Burma trip, i wanted to practice with video on my camera. I rarely use it to record anything..and if i do, i don't edit them. But today, i did it. Edited in iMovie. Didn't even need to read instructions on how to edit it. It was pretty simple. he hardest part was picking the right music..meh. Not my favorite song, but it'll do. And i need to work on my focusing. It was pretty bright out so i couldn't really see my screen.

So here you go. My 1st video!!  Nothing special. Just our daily walk. Max is crazy about cars. He could sit and watch them drive by ALL day if he could.

Our Daily Walk
from Stefani Chung on Vimeo.

I also rented the Canon 16-35mm 2.8 II from LensGiant. I wanted something a little more wider than my Canon 35mm 1.4 for when i shoot an event. I LOVE shooting with my 35 and i think i prefer wider lens than my 50..which i love too. But there's something about the 35 that i love so much... it's my go to lens. I also use it on my lil Canon XSI. It's not a full frame camera like my Mark II so everything is cropped. So i'm thinking the 16-35 would be perfect for when i switch bodies too! I have all weekend to play with the lens so we'll see! If i like it, i might have to sell my 35...but i'm so torn cause that's my baby! ack. We'll see how it goes! So far i'm liking the 16-35! :)

If you're eyeing a lens but don't want to spend the money on the lens just yet, rent it for a few days! I've been renting from LensGiant for years! They have great customer service and fast delivery! Their lens are well taken care of too! I've rented from another company but i like LensGiant the best! :D

Top: Zara Bottom: Carter's Shoes: Stride Rite


Hi, Fall.

Oh Fall (Is it safe to say it's Fall? ;P)~ How i've missed you! Your cool crisp air~mmmm. Love the morning chill!
And a sign for all the events coming our way! Apple picking, pumpkin patch, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, tree trimming, Christmas~~~~ I bet everyone will be busy from now on! Sucks i'll be missing a few weeks of this weather to go back to hot, humid weather for our Burma trip! But i'm sure it'll be worth it! 


Beanie: H&M
Hoodie: Okie Dokie
Shorts: Old Navy
Shoes: Converse


The everything recap.

September is getting a little hectic. Shoot after shoot. Which means lots of editing to catch up on and out the door in a timely matter. We are so grateful for the love and business! It really is amazing how things just work out in the end. So if any of my client is reading this... Thank You~!

This month is starting off pretty amazingly! And i'm loving the cooler temperature! Not quite sweater weather but it's definitely nice feeling the heat cool down! Oh and little man turned 19 month 5 days ago~ *sigh* still can't believe how fast time is flying~ he learned so much in the past month! He is now FINALLY pointing! He can also kind of say a few words.. 'Ma (mama), uh oh, eeee (cheese), oup (out).. lol! He signs please and more. And little man is very attached to his mama! He chooses his mama over daddy every time! Hehe. I'm so glad he is now able to point, clap, and wave! Those were the few things we were concerned about! Better late than never, Max! Geez.  

Oh. And i have a new goal from now on. TAKE SOME DAMN PICTURES...with a camera and not so much with my iphone. It's just so easy with the phone, but i don't want all his pics to be from a cellphone...I'm going to try and carry my camera with me more often. Since he is getting bigger, i carry a little less in the diaper bag now, so i have no excuse! I document other families but my own...how sad. I just kept thinking about how i was barely in any pics this year....( husband doesn't pick up the camera :T ) And we don't even have candid family shots or anything from all the events and outings this summer! -_- I'm going to try harder to document my family photos as well as i document others.


New body, New wardrobe.

Soooo... this is awkward. I just posted a full body shot of me, my room is a mess, i AM a hot mess, but hey~ Max looks cute ;P
The reason for this horrendous pic is 1. I don't have enough pics of me and my lil Max 2. I tend to over share. (sharing is caring, right?) 3. I got way too excited when i tried on this jean! Because it FITS! 
I've always been insecure of my body. And body after baby? Yea, i cried like a baby and was pretty depressed for a while.. I was left with wider hips, saggy tummy, shit load of stretch marks, and of course, weight... i'm still working on that. I see other moms drop the weight in a few months after baby and by breastfeeding.. Me? Nah..i was the opposite. I worked my ass off and did lose a few pounds.. It's definitely harder as i get older. I'm nowhere where i want to be, but i'm starting to get comfortable where i am..Just gotta work out extra, EXTRA harder. 
So yeah, with this new body of mine, it has me finding a new wardrobe. Comfy pants, comfy enough to chase a toddler, loose fitting tops, to hide my jiggly baby belly, and bigger shoes, cause my feet grew a size (ugh). Well, today i actually left the dressing room with a smile on my face! I found some really awesome and comfy(so soft!!!) pair of jeans! I got so excited...i wanted to share with the world! Or maybe this might be helpful for other mamas.
In the pic i am wearing skinny jeans from American Eagle! I love that it's hi-rise~ i don't have to squeeze in and have my saggy tummy hanging around the edges..lol. Most moms know what i'm talking about ;) They also have different length options. I'm 5'4 and have short stubby asian legs. So this is in a 'short'. Most places don't have that option at the stores unless you shop online. And they have some awesome colors too! Might need to go back and get some more! And a smaller size too. The one i'm wearing was a bit saggy. 
I've also found some really comfy jeans at Old Navy! I love the Rockstar fit. And some Diva fit. If you want them in a petite size, you have to order online. They only have regular sizes at the store. Oh! And i recently bought a pair of The Diva skinny ankle pants at Old Navy and didn't want to take it off! I love the color too!
Yep. So that was my day. Exciting, right?! Thought I'd share with anyone who cares ;) 

**Both American Eagle & Old Navy is having a sale right now, so you might want to think about buying them now than later at full price!**

Picture was taken with TimerCam app! Max is only looking cause he likes the countdown beeps. We had fun playing with it. Hehe.


Life according to my iPhone: August 2013

Another month gone in a flash~ And what a month it was! We started the month going to speech therapy, meh..might stop going..seems like all they do is just play with him for 45 mins., bad boy is getting badder~~~ lots of family time, another visit to the e.r. for dislocated elbow xT, took lil man to watch his 1st movie at the movie theatre, port discovery and learning to walk up & down the stairs, take pics and apply for passport, turned 18 months, went on his first trip to the aquarium, first trip to chuck.e.cheese, puffy paint play date, visit Arundel Mills new play area, signed up for gymboree, purchased a umbrella stroller, said goodbye to grandparents, and recently started to sign 'please', taps his head when we ask 'where's Max?', andddddddd a few days ago he said his first words! Well, not really talk, talk... but his first word was 'uh oh' and 'mam' :D He is learning a lot more and is giving more eye contact! He's also getting attached to his mama <3 hehe.="" p="">

Goodbye, summer! Hello, fall! :D It was fun... but i'm definitely ready for some awesome weather, sweaters, apple picking, and football! 

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